I Live In A World

Jonathan Hawkins
3 min readOct 25, 2021


“United on Earth” by Presque Sage: https://openclipart.org/artist/presquesage

This is a short writing piece that I did one day back in 2019. The idea behind it was to put into writing a world that I wished to live in and experience. I put to words all of the aspects that I could think of at that brief moment of time. I’m sharing this idea with whomever finds their way here, in the hopes it will inspire you.

It’s also available in e-book format on Smashwords.

I Live In A World:

I live in a world where the needs of every living being are effortlessly and continuously met. I live in a world where people value and support each other as fellow human beings deserving of kindness that transcends all perceived differences. I live in a world that values openness and truth of the highest accord in all moments of life.

I live in a world that fosters and sustains healing for all, and that views healthy longevity as the primary method of living life. I live in a world where joy, freedom, peace, contentment, and happiness transform from elusive concepts to be chased throughout a lifetime, into everyday constants that come as easily to us as breathing.

I live in a world where negative emotion and pain are recognized by all for what they are, that is to say illusionary, and where space is created so that rapid healing may take place rather than perpetuation of the negativity. I live in a world that knows the folly of struggle and strife. I live in a world of plenty, where everything naturally unfolds easily and at the perfect time for everyone. I live in a world that values people’s well being and the well being of our planet most highly. I live in a world where people are free to express themselves in ways that do no harm to others without being criticized or ostracized.

I live in a world where the old concept of making your way through life by “working hard” is utterly replaced with “joyful creation” for all. I live in a world where everyone is free to pursue at every moment of their life the activities they would most enjoy undertaking. I live in a world that values creativity and imagination highly, regardless of the level of perceived “talent” in any creative endeavor. I live in a world where the “starving artist” trope of old is replaced with a new “thriving artist” way of living for all who choose it.

I live in a world where people live in blissful contentment and joy their entire lives. I live in a world where acts of violence and fear no longer hold any power. I live in a world where all perceived differences between one another are first examined rather than judged. I live in a world that is vast enough for everyone to coexist in peace without resorting to destructive mindsets and actions.

I live in a world where the life that exists on the planet in all forms is supported and celebrated. I live in a world where people care about the planet and all the life it fosters. I live in a world where abundance is shared easily and freely with all. I live in a world where people understand they are a part of the world around them. I live in a world where harmonious communities are fostered and encouraged and living in solitude becomes unnecessary.

I live in a world that deeply understands that life is never-ending. I live in a world where one’s transition back to the eternal realm is celebrated with great happiness and joy.

I live in a world where activities that feel good are encouraged. I live in a world that readily accepts and supports those activities that perpetuate feelings of pleasure without ridicule or shaming. I live in a world where acts of violence, pain, or fear are instead replaced with ones of kindness, love, and joy.

I live in a world that is filled with integrity in thoughts, words, and actions. I live in a world where people are rewarded for expressing and sharing their joys with others. I live in a world where there is always more than enough for everyone, and where abundance flows freely and easily to where it is best suited for the good of the planet and everyone living upon it.



Jonathan Hawkins

I’ve a knack for tutorials & how-to’s, unusual perspectives that express themselves thru words, and I love writing about video games, especially wholesome ones.